The Principles of Choosing Curtains According to Feng Shui to Keep in Mind

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According to Feng Shui theory, the main door is the eyes of the house, which is partially related to the energy and perspective of the homeowner. Therefore, when choosing curtains, attention should be paid to Feng Shui principles to ensure they suit the house, such as matching colors according to the homeowner's fate, according to the house orientation or the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) and their relationships (Generating Cycle, Controlling Cycle). 

Choosing curtains according to Feng Shui needs to adhere to some basic principles to ensure energy balance, bring prosperity, create harmonious living spaces, and bring luck to the family. Here are the important principles.


1. Choose colors according to the homeowner's fate 

To choose curtains according to Feng Shui for the family, it's important to determine the homeowner's fate. Here are the colors to choose and avoid based on the Five Elements (Generating Cycle, Controlling Cycle):

- Generating Cycle of the Five Elements: Wood generates Fire, Fire generates Earth, Earth generates Metal, Metal generates Water, Water generates Wood.

- Controlling Cycle of the Five Elements: Metal controls Wood, Wood controls Earth, Earth controls Water, Water controls Fire, Fire controls Metal.

1.1. Metal fate 

  • Generating Cycle Colors: Gold, Earthy Brown
  • Harmonious Colors: White, Gray, Silver
  • Controlling Cycle Color for Curtains: Green
  • Controlling Cycle Colors for Curtains: Red, Pink, Purple

1.2. Wood fate 

  • Generating Cycle Colors: Black, Sea Blue
  • Harmonious Color: Green
  • Controlling Cycle Colors: Gold, Earthy Brown
  • Controlling Cycle Colors: White, Gray, Silver
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1.3. Water fate 

  • Generating Cycle Colors: White, Gray, Silver
  • Harmonious Colors: Black, Sea Blue
  • Controlling Cycle Colors: Red, Pink, Purple
  • Controlling Cycle Colors: Gold, Earthy Brown

1.4. Fire fate 

  • Generating Cycle Color: Green
  • Harmonious Colors: Red, Pink, Purple
  • Controlling Cycle Color: White, Gray, Silver
  • Controlling Cycle Colors: Black, Sea Blue

1.5. Earth fate

  • Generating Cycle Colors: Red, Pink, Purple
  • Harmonious Colors: Gold, Earthy Brown
  • Controlling Cycle Colors: Black, Sea Blue
  • Controlling Cycle Colors: Green
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2. Choosing the curtain hanging direction to ensure Feng Shui 

Choosing curtains according to Feng Shui direction is an important factor to balance energy and create harmony in living spaces. Each house direction has specific requirements for curtain colors and materials to optimize airflow and energy. For example:

+ Hướng Đông và Đông Nam: : These directions are often considered auspicious, representing growth and prosperity, so choosing curtains in green or blue colors can enhance positive energy. 

+ Hướng Nam: : As it belongs to the Fire element, curtains in red, pink, or purple colors would be suitable to enhance luck and prosperity. 

+ Hướng Tây và Tây Bắc: : As they belong to the Metal element, curtains in white, gold, or metallic colors would be suitable to balance energy. 

+ Hướng Bắc: : As it belongs to the Water element, curtains in black or blue colors would help increase stability and tranquility. 

+ Hướng Tây Nam và Đông Bắc: : As they belong to the Earth element, curtains in brown, earthy yellow, or orange colors will bring stability and solidity to the family.

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Các màu tương ứng hướng

3. Curtain Materials 

Choosing curtains according to Feng Shui materials not only enhances the beauty of living spaces but also helps balance energy, create comfort, and attract luck. Each curtain material has its own characteristics, suitable for different Feng Shui factors. 

  • Fabric curtains are the most popular choice, providing a cozy and soft feel, suitable for most spaces, especially bedrooms and living rooms.
  • Wooden curtains, with their natural and warm characteristics, are the perfect choice for those with Wood fate, creating a sense of relaxation and peace.
  • Plastic or metal curtains are suitable for modern spaces, easy to clean and maintain, but it's important to choose colors and designs that maintain aesthetic appeal and Feng Shui balance. 
  • Choosing curtains according to material should not only be based on personal preferences but also consider Feng Shui factors to create a harmonious living space and bring health and prosperity to the family.

4. Feng Shui in Curtain Hanging

In addition to choosing curtains with suitable colors, patterns according to fate and direction, how curtains are hung also needs attention. Proper curtain hanging and opening/closing can help the homeowner enhance energy flow and attract prosperity.

- Opening and closing curtains according to Feng Shui

Daytime: It's advisable to limit closing curtains except during noon to let sunlight in and draw energy into the house. 

Nighttime: It's recommended to close the curtains to prevent negative energy from entering while we are resting and susceptible to negative influences.

- According to Feng Shui, it's advisable to choose curtain rods and hooks made of natural wood or metal, and avoid using plastic.

- Regularly clean curtains to prevent dust accumulation. Clean curtains also contribute to enhancing the Feng Shui of the house.

5. Notes 

The color and design of the curtains should harmonize with the wall and interior color scheme in the room, creating balance and aesthetics. Dark colors may feel heavy and gloomy. Overly complex patterns can be visually overwhelming and not favorable for Feng Shui.